レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 11月27日 01時04分

You are where you are for a reason. The cards you've been dealt might not be ideal, sure. You might be sitting with a really crappy hand. But guess what? It's yours. This life, your life situation, it's all yours. You are where you are for a reason and there is no one to blame, no need for pity or excuses. You can't change the past and you have found yourself in this place, right now. It's up to you to turn it all around. Just think of how beautiful that is! Things might be rough (as they are for all of us from time to time) but you are ALIVE! And every single morning you get to wake up to a day filled with infinite potential. Limitless possibilities. Do you see the hardships your dealing with, the fear, the obstacles? Or do you see the good things in life, the opportunities, the beauty? It's all right there in front of you. Like small rays of sunshine on a rainy day; you have to pay attention to notice.
Take responsibility for your own life. Choose love and make a change! You deserve to be really, really happy. You do.

#life #love #happiness


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




