アニ・ユドヨノのインスタグラム(aniyudhoyono) - 11月24日 07時53分

"Selamat Ulang Tahun Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono (Ibas), 24 November 2014. Semoga panjang umur, sehat dan bahagia selalu."
Seperti nama 'Baskoro' yang Pepo dan Memo berikan kepadamu, jadilah 'Matahari' yang selalu memberikan energi positif bagi keluarga dan lingkunganmu. 'Baskoro' juga berarti 'Senjata Pamungkas'. Teruslah maju anakku, hadapi segala tantangan dengan tegar, selama ini Ibas tegar dan sabar menghadapi ujian. Ke depan, tantangan tidak makin ringan, namun percayalah Allah SWT akan selalu melindungimu.
Do'a tulus Pepo dan Memo. --- "Happy Birthday Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono (Ibas), November 24 2014. May you have a long life, always grant with happiness and good health."
Just like 'Baskoro', the name that Pepo and Memo gave to you, be 'The Sun' that will always provide positive energy to your family and your surroundings.
'Baskoro' also means 'The Ultimate Weapon'. Keep moving forward my son, face all challenges steadfastly, by far you are so steadfast and patient facing challenges in life. In the future, the challenges will not be easier, nonetheless, just believe that Allah SWT will always protect you.
Sincere prayers from Pepo and Memo.


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