ジェームズ・ガンのインスタグラム(jamesgunn) - 11月20日 12時29分

I had a great time at the LA Zoo this weekend. If you go to the zoo at the right time - basically in the afternoon on a hot day when it is just becoming cool, you get to see animals in their most fun and energetic state, like these flamingos. On this day I also got fist-bumped numerous times through glass by a chimpanzee (?!), saw a monkey cleaning another monkey's butt, saw a gut-wrenchingly adorable two week old baby hippo, and saw a tapir following a zookeeper around like a dog, nuzzling her for pets (my favorite). I always suspected tapirs were friendly but now it's been confirmed! I really, really like tapirs. I also love hippos, mostly because they kill more people every year than sharks and crocodiles combined (truly). You might say tapirs and hippos represent the two different sides of my personality. New family crest idea!


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