テーラーメイド ゴルフのインスタグラム(taylormadegolf) - 11月14日 08時21分

Thanks to our incredible @Instagram community for your support with our #buildtheclub campaign. We were so impressed with your effort, we surprised one of our fans (@jll62) with the chance to actually #buildtheclub and put the new driver in his bag. To no surprise - he proved up to the challenge, building the real driver, component by component. Now it's time we put the puzzle back together. Everything we know about the metalwood, we've put into the new R15 driver. It's #MadeofGreatness. And there's more to come...


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




テーラーメイド ゴルフを見た方におすすめの有名人