ダイアン・クルーガーのインスタグラム(dianekruger) - 11月11日 23時51分

I'm sure you know, today marks the end of WWI...I can't help but think to myself how little we have learned from history and it's horrors. The unrest in the Middle East, Ukraine and Syria just shows how fickle peace still is. Why can't we humans be less greedy, power hungry...why do we abuse and distort religious beliefs as an excuse for war? Why do we tolerate leaders that seek personal power over the peace of the people? Why are we so scared of racial differences ? I can't help but be glum on this day... I 'd like to believe that peace starts with me. My behavior to the people around me, my street, my town..I fall down so often even in those simple situations. I want to remind myself on this important date that tomorrow is another day and that I can make a difference. Xoxo


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