Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 11月10日 11時27分

Today, Grammy and I took Mazzy and Harlow to see Frozen on Ice. I don't know what is wrong with me but I found the whole thing ridiculously emotional. We got there a little late and walked into the coliseum just as "Do You Want to Build a Snowman" was starting. Somehow, hearing a song we know so well playing in a huge arena, the beauty of the show, the fact that Frozen is MEANT for ice skating, in combination with my kids' slack-jawed faces as they realized what they were in for... it was just too much, I burst into tears. I swear, I am not a crier and I cried three more times throughout the show. Once when Harlow lost her mind laughing and pointing when Olaf showed up. Once when Elsa sang Let It Go and all the little voices around me (including Mazzy and Harlow) belted it out along with her. And once when all the Disney characters joined them at the end and Mazzy started waving like all her friends had surprised her at her own party. Oh my heart. Fuller than I ever imagined. Oh Disney, you got me.


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