マイケル・マラーキーのインスタグラム(mkmalarkey) - 11月5日 03時16分

After years of refusing to vote, I have decided to do it this year. As much as I still believe that party politics serves up some of the most viscous Red Herrings in the sea, it seems that these fish will continue to rule the waters of this country for the foreseeable future. That being said, as long as we live in a society where elections are vital to how the current government functions, it serves no purpose to stand impotent and judgemental on the sidelines. I do not cast my ballot today in support of the system, but because I am ever in hope of a better, greener world for the next generation. Hopefully we can eventually learn to work together as ONE PARTY for the good of all humankind. Peace, beauty and wisdom to all... Mx


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