セリーナ・ジェイドのインスタグラム(celinajade) - 11月4日 18時14分

Here's the thing about younger sisters...
They grow up wanting to be just like their older sisters. They somehow think in their heads that the older sister is so much cooler, prettier, smarter & bla bla bla...
What they don't realize is that in reality, all they are doing in all the years of growing up is simply projecting their own coolness, beauty & smarts on their older mirror.
A wise friend Mahadev Leonard Saphier once told me, if something did not exist within you, you would never recognize it in another. If you were not cool, smart/ beautiful, you wouldn't see it in your older sibling. We are nothing but mirrors to each other.
Today is my lovely sister's 24th birthday. As an older sister, I can only say that I am immensely proud of my Jelly bean - Jilly and I am so lucky to have her in my life. If someone told me this when I was a kid, I would never believe them, as back then, all I believed was that this little bean was coming into my life to steal my parents from me. Looking back (with 20-20 vision of hindsight, I must say I am so happy my parents decided to gift me with the beautiful gift of sisterhood).
I love you Jill, happy birthday. Do not ever be afraid of letting your light shine! I admire you just as much as you 'look up to me'.
Wish you were in Hong Kong or that I was in New York to celebrate this day with you. SGMKJ


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