WEBSTAのインスタグラム(websta_me) - 10月31日 10時01分

Meet Soraky (@Kobe Japan Water art). Soraky lives in Kobe city, Japan. Soraky started Instagram 2 years ago to seek feedback on his photos and as suggested by his friends. His photos represent a unique and funny world brought about by his constant search for new ideas - which brought about his series, "floating" and "water".
Soraky posts his creations on Instagram. With Websta Board, he has created different boards to organize her life, one board at a time, and you can do the same easily.
Log in to websta.me/board with your Instagram account.
Create a board with a title of your liking.
Add any Instagram post into your boards with the '+' sign at the bottom-left of each post.
Create your board today and organize your feed the way Jana already has. Check out her boards here: http://websta.me/n/soraky/board
Tag #WebstaSides for and create your board online, for chance to get featured!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



