ダニエル・ノリスのインスタグラム(danielnorris18) - 10月30日 04時39分

A few days ago I was venturing my way back home in my van. Cruising down the road I pass over a bridge as the sun was getting ready to settle in. The lighting was unbelievable as I looked down river. I battled my indecision & pulled off onto the shoulder.I Grabbed my pack, my camera & a couple #cliffbars. I then shuffled my way through some grown up forestry, hopped a couple of fences, & turned the other cheek to a few 'private property' & 'no trespassing' signs. Finally I stopped & admired my surroundings. A treeline guarding the river followed by a cliff. - again the lighting was unimaginable so after I soaked it in I snapped this shot & said a quick thankful prayer before I retraced my steps. #justkeeplivin


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