ダフニ・クラークのインスタグラム(daffmc29) - 10月27日 06時54分

Met this sweet and friendly lady named Christine at the nail salon. She reminded me of myself as she sparked up a conversation after liking my nail polish. As we talked and people in the nail salon watched us like old friends I realized you never know who you will meet and how they will impact your life in the short speaking with them. I learned that Christine is an actress like myself and has a six sense about things like knowing tomorrow is my bday and that I was having a dinner party without me even saying one word about it. Being such an outgoing person like myself I appreciate Christine being so fearless and comfortable with who she is. She made my day and since she liked my nail polish so much I gave it to her to keep which made her day. She couldn't believe that it was my bday weekend and I was giving her something. To see her face light up over nail polish made me see how it's the littlest things that can truly make a difference. I suggested we take a selfie to remember the moment. She thought I was recording which is why her hands are up. She was waving and saying happy birthday to me. What a great way to kick off my bday.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



