unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 10月22日 01時02分

Welcome to Instagram @UNICEFpalestine. We’re sharing one of their pictures, of siblings Kasem and Souad. Kasem, 5, was hit by shrapnel in four parts of his foot as he played with his friends near their home in Beit Hanoun, #Gaza, during the war. Kasem still has nightmares about what happened and keeps close to his dad. Kasem’s house was destroyed in shelling and he spent most of the war taking shelter in a school with his family. “The only thing I wish for myself, my family and for Gaza is that my home is rebuilt again,” he says. His 8-year-old sister Souad says that the worst thing about the war was “the shooting,” and that her wish for Gaza is “peace.” “I want to become a doctor in the future to take care of sick and wounded people like my little brother who has his foot in a cast,” she says. © UNICEF / Loulou d'Aki #Palestine #Gaza4children


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