WEBSTAのインスタグラム(websta_me) - 10月21日 17時05分

We're featuring pet videos every Tuesday as part of our pet of the week.
Say hello to this week's #WebstaPet - birthday chihuahua @紋次郎, who looks absolutely dapper in his doggy suit. He's even got great table manners to go with it! http://websta.me/n/montjiro!
Lets welcome all our animal friends on Instagram and get to know them more. If you have pet videos you'd love to share, tag them with #WebstaPets and tell us something about your well-behaved (or not) friend in the caption.
#WebstaPets is our new hashtag (formerly #WEBSTAVIDEO_pets). We'll still check and consider posts on the older hashtag, but we would love it if you joined us with our new, simpler hashtag.

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