アニ・ユドヨノのインスタグラム(aniyudhoyono) - 10月19日 15時49分

"Datang Tampak Muka."
Foto ini diambil di Istana Merdeka setelah SBY mengucapkan sumpah sebagai Presiden RI VI di depan Sidang MPR RI, 20 Oktober 2004. Saya mengenakan kain motif Papua dengan kebaya bordir berwarna putih, melambangkan ketulusan hati untuk mendampingi Presiden SBY dalam mengemban amanah rakyat. --- "Arriving with Honor."
This photo was taken at the Merdeka Palace after SBY took his oath as the Sixth President of the Republic of Indonesia in front of the Indonesia People's Consultative Assembly, 20th of October 2004. I wore a Papuan pattern fabric with a white embroidery Kebaya, symbolizing the purity of the heart to accompany President SBY in carrying out the mandate of the people.


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