Jessica Arevaloのインスタグラム(jessicaarevalo_) - 10月19日 10時36分

No filter.. just the beauty that life gives us willingly. My perspective on life is one that is beautiful. Not because everything's been perfect. It's because I have been through the bad and it truly has made me appreciate the beauty. Not for a second do I ever wish for another life. I would never take back anything that's happened to me because it truly makes me who I am today. Strong, beautiful in the inside and fearless. When struggles come my way I look at them with confidence because I know it's there to make me stronger. Appreciate life for everything it gives you. Good and bad. Love every minute of it and cherish every second. No one is promised tomorrow. Take life for all it's beauty. Live the life you love. Love the life you live.❤️ #MyImperfectLifeIsBeautiful #AptosBeachHouse


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