トム・デロングのインスタグラム(tomdelonge) - 10月17日 07時24分

There are many, many artists I am working with for this next release. Too many to name in this single setting, but all of whom have done incredible things. I am most likely going to get credit for a lot of things I simply did not do on my own. On the film that you will be seeing shortly, Sergio and Edgar are the heroes. I got to work with the actors, I got to be involved on the concept art, the story, the music...and many other aspects, but Sergio and Edgar did some heavy lifting to make this thing absolutely incredible. They were really incredible team-mates. The thing I love most about what we are doing with To The Stars and Angels and Airwaves, is that there are about 30 artists that are involved and we are all working together. People will look at the changing form of just the band and possibly miss the entirety of the project. The whole project is an international effort... between concert artists, animators, illustrators, graphic artists, actors, authors, screenplay writer's, directors and even hard-working project managers. Spend more time concentrating on the whole, and not any one part. Thank you, Sergio and Edgar. We are on to some huge things after this-


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