W E Y L I Eのインスタグラム(weylie) - 10月10日 15時15分

SO TRUE! Been going through a rough patch lately and I can't even tell you how many times someone have unintentionally hurt my feelings simply because they don't think what they say will matter or that it can push me to the edge. No matter how strong a person may appear to be, you never know what is lying underneath the smile they put on. So practice being kind and considerate! Even if people aren't considerate of you. Being kind is so contagious man. When I'm having a bad day, a strangers smile can put a smile on my face. Instead of being so focused on what is making you unhappy, think about how you can move on from it and be happy and kind to other people who may need it just as much as you do! For those of you out there who are going through something tough, just know that you're not the only one and even I am dealing with things in my life everyday. You just gots to have faith man! Have faith that whatever is handed to you now is there to make you stronger & more appreciative. So if you need to cry, go cry. I've always thought holding it back is the best way to move on, but it really isn't! Let out what is balled up inside and move on from it. After that, put your big girl panties on and go do your makeup and start a new day! I love you guys!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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