ダイアン・クルーガーのインスタグラム(dianekruger) - 10月9日 05時07分

This is Hedy Lamarr old..ravaged by bad early plastic surgery...how sad is it that this beautiful,intelligent woman felt the need to destroy her face trying to hang on to her youth...it just makes my heart ache..I know we all want to stay young and look good, but why can't we be gentler with ourself, why do we call people "old" or "fat"? What society do we live in that judges women by their outer beauty and age ? We must surround ourself with people who love us for who we are and what is going on in our brains. We women, should enjoy being young! Be wild and reckless all we want! As time passes, why not love this new face that we earned? Why not embrace what is inevitable ? Every stage of life is beautiful if we can just accept our own, ever changing beauty...sorry, I don't want to sound preachy, as life is different for everyone and not everybody can be Audrey Hepburn..but..maybe we could just love ourselves just a little bit more and cut the haters out of our life ?


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