ノア・サイラスのインスタグラム(noahcyrus) - 10月9日 03時20分

i know someone who has had a friend pass recently…the passing was unfortunately by choice…i don't want to say who because that is not my place. i didn't know them personally but i heard many great things. i will keep this short because i know many of you won't take the time to read it.. you will either comment "follow me" "first/second/third like" "you're ugly" (or something rude like that) it could even be the sweetest things like "i love you" but please take the time to read this.. suicide is becoming the answer to teens problems all around the world. this society is so sad and so upsetting to look at.. people are starting to think not living is better than living at all. this person was young, had so many things to see and chances to take but couldn't take life as it was anymore because this world is so terribly awful. this world has been a nasty place for quite some time now. my fathers best friend killed himself when he was just 18 or 19 years old. i just want to say… please choose your words carefully because they will stick with someone for a long time mand they will stay in someones head until they can't take it any longer. I'm sorry for this rant but someone had to say it. if you did read this…thank you for taking the time.


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