ダミアン・クーラッシュのインスタグラム(damiankulash) - 10月8日 10時44分

One hundred million thanks for all of the kind birthday wishes. You are all very nice to me. It's especially wonderful to see all the old photos with the people I love most. This one, circa '93, which @scottkeiner posted today, shows the principal cast of the first feature film that Tim and I ever tried to make, with out co-conspirators Scott and Elena (anyone know if she's on the 'gram?). The film, when we finish it, will be called El Chupacabra. I am the evil henchman of the governor (on the left). Tim is zoologist hero. Scott is the governor. Elena is the entangled love interest heroine. My sister was the news reporter. My dad was the cop. #norigormortis?


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