アンバー・ライリーのインスタグラム(msamberpriley) - 10月8日 09時06分

That girl on the left was so unsure. She didn't appreciate her chocolate skin or nappy hair. One of the very few black kids in her school, she always felt excluded and didn't necessarily fit in. Being teased and called the "N word" more times than enough, made her want to be invisible and unseen. She thought different meant ugly. I thank God for her journey. Because that woman on the right learned to love her skin, accept and appreciate her heritage, and even grew some hips, boobs, and thunder thighs and learned to love those too ? I grew from an inwardly insecure girl to a very proud and confident black woman. I was NOT made for obscurity. I was created to overcome and help others know they too can overcome ? I am not where I want to be but I am far from what I used to be. It feels good to love me! #TransformationTuesday I know most ppl's transformation are from big to skinny but mine kind of went in reverse ? sue me!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




