ペリー・エドワーズのインスタグラム(perrieedwards) - 10月4日 20時39分

Happy birthday to my sister lee lee.... I know you're getting old and probs jealous of my youth ;) ha! But don't worry, I will never have the patience and amazing talent that you have! You always see the good in people and you're the most understanding person iv ever met! You have not only a pretty decent face.. ;) you have the warmest heart and I love you! Here's a little poem... Can't take credit for it, it's from the internet but at least I'm honest! :D .... You are such a special friend, Who deserves a special day, For being who you are and Bringing joy in every way. You make me smile and laugh, with everything you do, So today I get to send A special Birthday wish to you! <3 @リー・アン・ピノック


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