ダニエル・ポランコのインスタグラム(dannip18) - 10月4日 20時10分

The most amazing memories. My shark girls and I recording with the legendary Iconic Stephen Sondheim. If you don't know who he is and/or not interested you might as well unfollow! He's only one of the most amazing composers and lyricist of our time. We had a cute taste of what it was like to record back in the day. It was a live orchestra with 1 take each song. My poor voice that day was shot and I was Darth Vader breathing through som device that did not help at all lol

You can't duplicate moments like this...it's once in a lifetime! The most amazing accomplishment of my life was definitely these moments! Blessed to have experienced this!

#stephensondheim #grateful #goodtimes #westsidestory #WSS #sharkgirls #ifeelpretty #hoymesiento #consuela #missthisbunch #wheretheelitemeet #elitecity #keepthinkingIGfollowersmakeyouelite #theydont #beinginthispicturedoes #thecooltable #goodluck #youcantsingwithus #esspeciallyoffkey #lifechanging #nothingcompares #proudmoment


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