Coleen Garciaのインスタグラム(coleen) - 9月25日 01時17分

Thank you so much for all your birthday greetings! ☺️ I opted to slow down and have a quiet, intimate celebration with my loved ones this year, and I have to admit that it felt really good to just sit back and not have to worry about any large, noisy gatherings. No pressure, just peacefulness and pure bliss.. Exactly what I've been needing. ? I looked back on all my previous birthdays and I guess what makes this one really different is that I am able to appreciate everything better because I am no longer clouded by the unnecessary. It's amazing what the people you love can truly do for you when you open your heart to them. I am really able to feel the presence of those who are genuinely here for me and it brings me to tears just realizing how blessed I am to have such people in my life. Most of my best friends have been my best friends for years and years now; my family has stood by me through everything and has never stopped loving me; I have job that I love, and a partner who would care and fight for me the way I would for him; and amidst all the people who have something bad to say, I still am blessed with people who love me anyway.. I guess I must be doing something right, then. Who am I to ask for more? Thank you, Lord, for the trials that have strengthened me. Without these, I would never have realized how incredibly blessed I am by You. No wish for my candles today. Only "Thank you". ❤️


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