ジミー・チンのインスタグラム(jimmychin) - 9月24日 21時24分

@アレックス・オノルド climbing above the chasm on Mount Kinabalu, Borneo, during a week long first ascent on one of the most overhanging walls I'd ever seen. This was Alex's first international expedition and my first trip with him. He didn't disappoint. Half way up the 2500 foot wall, we encountered a steep A4 pitch. Alex volunteered to take the lead and quested off into 5.12 terrain w no gear or protection. Needless to say, we were gaped and double checking our anchor, wondering if it would hold a 100ft+ fall. In classic fashion, he kept it cool, finished the pitch and learned how to place his first bolt ever while on lead. Good stuff. #themanthemyththelegend @mark_synnot @コンラッド・アンカー @renan_ozturk #kevinthaw #jimmypix

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