リード・モラノのインスタグラム(reedmorano) - 9月19日 16時06分

Ok. so our camera legit tried to commit suicide today off a libra head on the Belleville Turnpike, (worlds bumpiest road). But we wouldn't let it die and it made it through the whole movie. And so did my unbelievable crew- all these insane fuckers who I dragged into Meadowland. The absolute best. The hardest working people I know- They never, ever stopped until it became bigger than my imagination. Never have I worked on set where I felt this level of love and commitment from every single person in every department. Every day it was a novelty to me (& still is) that these overqualified ballers would actually even work on this movie. I am so lucky to have all you guys and I love you.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



