ライアン・ダニエル・ドブソンのインスタグラム(ryanddobson) - 9月18日 02時29分

These two emails came in back-to-back. One is a notification that our film was not accepted into their respective film festival. The other is a notification that we won an award at their film festival. The next tier irony (beyond the obvious) is that just last night I was voicing to friends my desire to learn not to be swayed too greatly by other people's criticism or approval. For every naysayer there is a fan. Sometimes you step on the brakes, sometimes the gas. But you can still eventually reach a destination as long as the frustration with braking doesn't make you give up, get out of your car, and have a naked panic attack on the side of the road ok the metaphor is breaking down you guys but you get it right? #keepitreal #nakedpanicattack


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



