ネイト・ロビンソンのインスタグラム(naterobinson) - 9月17日 22時54分

Happy 5th bday to my beautiful daughter @nayviblue ... I wish I had the perfect words to describe the LOVE I have 4you... I can show the LOVE better than I can tell you... One thing I can say is that I'm thankful the LORD has blessed me with for the 5 years you have been on this earth ... You always find a way to keep a smile on my face... Having a best friend like you will always give me hope I would never take our friendship for granted I love you more than life it's self ... We are one happy 5th bday Nayvi Caiann Robinson ... Daddy pricess is growing fast... & I wanna be right by you're side every step of the way showing & helping you become the best young lady that you can be... LOVE you lots...


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