レイ・アレンのインスタグラム(trayfour) - 9月17日 05時52分

I live everyday knowing that I can change the things in it that I don't like. We all have the power to do this. I'm not happy on Mondays because I've made a lot of money in my career or that Ive played in the NBA for 18 years. I choose to be happy because it's another day to be great. Too often many people find reasons that the day won't be great or that they can't achieve something because it's not meant for them. Well, those of you who think that already fail 100 percent of the time. Belief in yourself is half the battle. I'm just like you all, A normal person. My goal everyday is to try and make this world a better place. It starts with me and my thoughts. I have an extreme willingness to not make an excuse when things don't go my way but to find a way to make it go my way. That's what I've done my whole life. So no I'm not happy because I play in the NBA or because I make great money. I'm happy because I show up everyday to try and make a difference not only in my life and my families lives but even peoples lives that I don't know. Do you make a difference in someone's life? Get started if you don't. #stopthenegativity #behateless


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