アナ・グロスティナのインスタグラム(highhsoul) - 9月11日 23時00分

Thank you all for 200k.. Where do I even begin? A year ago it was 10k and since then I have grown up so much, also spiritually. I feel like I really have grown up with all of you guys next to me and oh what a pleasure that is. Everyone has always been here for me and it is an honour to share my moments with all of you lovely people as I go through my life. I hear the sweetest things from you guys, many times it's me being an inspiration. MY REALITY is you guys being my real inspiration. You are what motivates me everyday and you are one of the reasons why I am so happy right now, I want you all to know that you really have made me smile so much and that is a great thing to do. Thanks everyone so much, I am truelly grateful for every single one of you.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



