アニ・ユドヨノのインスタグラム(aniyudhoyono) - 8月31日 19時29分

Komandan Tough Warriors menyerahkan bendera Merah Putih kepada Presiden SBY. Tough Warriors berlari sepanjang 17 km dengan mengenakan pakaian dinas lapangan dan perlengkapan tempur seberat 17 kg yang melekat di punggung mereka dalam Independence Day Run 2014. Peserta Tough Warriors tahun ini terdiri dari perwakilan TNI-AD, TNI-AL, TNI-AU dan POLRI, yang melambangkan sinergitas antar komponen tersebut. Tradisi Tough Warriors dimulai sejak Independence Day Run 2013 dan diprakarsai oleh Mayor Inf Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, M.Sc., MPA


The Commandant of Tough Warriors handed over the Red-White flag (Indonesian flag) to President SBY. The Tough Warriors were running around 17K by wearing Battle Dress Uniform (BDU), and being equipped with 17 kg battle gear in their back during their participation in the Independence Day Run 2014. The participants of the Tough Warriors this year composed of the representatives of the Indonesian Army, Indonesian Navy, Indonesian Air Force, and Indonesian Police which symbolizes the synergy among those components. The tradition of Tough Warriors was begun since the Independence Day Run 2013 and was initiated by Infantry Major Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, M.Sc., MPA.
#hutri69 #IDR2014 #independencedayrun #indonesia #indonesiabisa #indonesiamaju #toughwarriors #tniad #tnial #tniau #polri


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