ゲームのインスタグラム(losangelesconfidential) - 8月31日 06時26分

#Day3 for me on my new @60daysoffitness cycle & today for lunch in keeping it light: Traditional 4 dollar Stout Ceasar salad with a light ceasar dressing & a tall glass of water since I'm not consuming any liquids except water until January 1st...... Difficult task but I believe I can handle it. Stout is on the corner of Cahuenga & Selma in Hollywood Ca.... If you stop by, tell em @thegame sent you....... To everyone who started 3 days ago with me.. I hope you're staying focused & remember were in this together.... For those of you out there that want to get your body & health together.... Ain't no better time than now !!! Why wait until New Years with that same I'm gone start the new year off right bullshit...... Let's get this shit in now & cut the games today.... #60DaysOfFitness #WeAreOne


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