テス・ホリデーのインスタグラム(tessholliday) - 8月8日 04時50分

Such a sweet post from @audrainneverland who was one of the awesome ladies that attended my #dynamitetesspinuptour in Seattle two weeks ago! She had emergency surgery just days before & STILL came out- & we had a blast! ??✨ Those of who are interested, We are currently booking for:

Sept: Milwaukee & Vegas!
October: NYC & Ohio!
November: New Orleans!
December: Houston!
January: Anaheim, CA & Ft Lauderdale , FL!

We only have a few spots left in each city so if you wanna be a pinup for a day & hang out with me email dynamitephoto@gmail.com for more info & to reserve your spot ????
@dynamitedames @charliegirl28 @razor_heartz #tessmunster


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Fenty X Pumaのインスタグラム
Fenty X Pumaさんがフォロー

