リル・デュヴァルのインスタグラム(lilduval) - 8月8日 01時44分

I read my comments the thing that irks me is when people say "that's white people shit" u need to think when u say that cuz I have more than one race looking at this post. And most don't see things as race but when u say it you're pretty much teaching them how u want us to be looked as. So a lot of times when put our selves in a box. Here's a good example if I see a club that says rock n roll club if I don't like rock n roll I'm not going in but if it just said club I might go in and I might even like the music. U get it? All I'm saying is in order to be looked as the same we have to stop saying we are different. Unless u want to be different then u can't get upset when u treated as such. Everything ain't black and white. Especially swimming. Most of the Caribbean people are black and swim so saying blacks don't swim is IGNORANT. Ok I'm done. #ileadbyexample

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