キーラ・コサリンのインスタグラム(kirakosarin) - 8月3日 03時01分

Today is our four year anniversary of moving to LA. So much has changed in four years. I started out 12 years old, about to start high school, and highly unskilled in the art of the selfie (see photo). Now I'm 16, graduated with not only a full time job, but my dream job, and some very special people in my life. I'm so grateful for all that's happened in these past years and can't wait for the years to come. So here's to four years! 🎉


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Fenty X Pumaのインスタグラム
Fenty X Pumaさんがフォロー
