マーゴ・ヘイズのインスタグラム(margojain) - 8月2日 01時31分

Wow. This has truly been a life changing experience. Having graduated from the @girlswhocode program last night, I am now full of so many mixed emotions. I feel happy and proud but so sad to go. I have made so many amazing relationships here in the Bay Area with all of these amazing young women. They have all inspired me and motivated me. I feel so fortunate to have so many close friends. It is crazy how quickly we all bonded and how close we really have become. I really want to say something specifically to Rasika, Shivani, niralee and shinjini. I love you guys so much and honestly can call you guys some of my best friends. Thank for for all you have given me and all the lessons you have taught me. For now.... ❤️ #girlswhocode #gwcintuit #girlsbuiltthis #likeagirl


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