Coleen Garciaのインスタグラム(coleen) - 7月20日 12時48分

Have you thanked God today? ☺️ We are always more blessed than we think we are. In times of struggle, hold on to His promises and have faith in His plans for you. Life can't be made up of just good times. But it can't always be full of bad times, too. Remember that in every day, the sun rises, and the sun sets. In life, there is darkness, and there is light. We can't choose what happens to us and we can't escape the inevitable, but we have complete control over how we react to all of it. And that alone can be enough to define who we are and how we live. "Patience is not the ability to wait, but how you act while you're waiting." Everything that God has in store for us is definitely worth the wait and the hardship. But even so, He will never allow us to endure more than we can handle. We were made not just to overcome all the obstacles in our lives, but also to be molded and strengthened by them. Even when we're at our lowest, we will still have reasons to be happy and thankful. ❤️ Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with a beautiful life! (Photo from @instagodministries. Follow them! Their posts are very enlightening and uplifting ☀️)


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