アリ・シンプソンのインスタグラム(allisimpson) - 7月14日 13時30分

sooo I have three singles out on iTunes all around the world right now and it's very surreal to me - I would loveee for you any of you to check them out ? I am the girl that would never sing in front of anyone or sing anywhere other than in her room with the door locked, or in the shower where no one could hear her - with experience, hard work, practice and support from people around me @コーディー・シンプソン @cjbaran @itsmattgraham @angiesimpson5 @_bradsimpson and many other loved ones and close friends.. I have overcome a fear and am discovering a love for something I never knew I had.. so if you're afraid to try something new, do it! If you never try, you'll never know. so much love, I love you all ? thank you, this is only the beginning xox ?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




