ジェームズ・ガンのインスタグラム(jamesgunn) - 7月7日 01時51分

#gotgpicoftheday Espousing in the War Room at Shepperton Studios. The heads of department and I (led by our amazing 1st AD @jimmyc2271) would gather here everyday during preproduction and go over (and over and over) what we were doing and where we were going. The visual development work on the walls around us started with the first environment and then wrapped around the room from right to left (I guess someone in the production staff's initial language was Japanese or Hebrew), showing each new environment as it shows up in the movie. Nothing gave me more pleasure than brining a visitor, a cast member, or a new addition to our team into this room and walking them visually through the story and showing them the universe we had created. Oh, and of course, #VonSpears is on my lap. He had full run at our offices in Shepperton, and would always join our meetings - usually under the table, but if something was especially engrossing he'd crawl up to a better perch. #guardiansofthegalaxy #gotg


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