ショウン・トンプソンのインスタグラム(shaunt) - 7月4日 09時02分

I wanted to let you know that I am taking a BREAK today. So there will not be a salad video or a 5 minute workout video. BUT WAIT! Don’t be sad…one, everyone needs a day to let their bodies and minds relax, and two tomorrow is the 4th of July and I have a LIVE workout planned for you! YES, you can workout with me LIVE tomorrow, July 4th. So mark you calendars with these details:

WHEN: FRIDAY, JULY 4th at 7:15 am PST/9:15 CST/ 10:15 EST
WHO: YOU!!!!!! (invite your friends and family to join too)
HOW: use this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPthE1-ZeWU

Can’t wait to workout with you tomorrow. Share this so we can get more people involved and let’s celebrate our independence by freeing our bodies and minds together!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



