BH Cosmeticsのインスタグラム(bhcosmetics) - 6月29日 09時06分

Help us reach 200K by reposting this photo using hashtag #bh200k and we will pick 20 winners once we hit that number! 3 lucky fans will win the Special Occasion Palette, and 17 lucky followers will win an Eyes on the 60's Palette!??? Rules:

1. Follow us @BH Cosmetics
2. repost this photo and use #bh200k
3. tag as many friends as you can or like on your repost to help us reach 200K! ⭐️ And that's it! There will be 20 lucky winners, as a way of thanking you for all of the amazing support we receive each and every single day from you! Thank you darlings and good luck!❤️?? #bhcosmetics #bh200k #bh200k #bh200k #bh200k #bh200k #bh200k #bh200k #bh200k #bh200k #bh200k


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