のインスタグラム(happyyorkiefamily) - 6月26日 23時40分

Oliver & Sammy ? Mommy took us to get our Buff n Puff yesterday! It was so hard for her when she had to change the appointment from three pups to two! Mommy doesn't want to get out of the bed in the morning we had to give her extra extra kisses and snuggles to keep her moving! We love all the #BowsForAbby pics that our dear dear friend @mktxnyc Abby and Gracie (they have a Abby too and we hope to meet them one day!) started to honor and remember our sister Abby! Thank you all for your love and support! It means more to us than you can ever imagine! We know Mommy feels very sad and empty right now, but we hope each day it can be just a tiny little bit easier for her! Mommy cry a lot reading messages and seeing pics on IG about Abby but she said they are comforting and healing tears! We love you and thank you so much from the bottom of out heart for being there for us, especially for our Mommy! ❤️

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