ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 6月26日 02時42分

Okay, so I said I would keep you posted on my training / diet so below is what I've done today....
My breakfast was Gluten free oats made with almond milk & mixed with @reflexnutrition vanilla whey protein, flaxseeds & a sprinkle of cinnamon & almonds. I then trained @UPfitness doing high intensity track work for around 40 mins with @olly_foster
After training I had another protein shake mixed with water followed by a salad for lunch consisting of mixed leaves, chicken, beetroot, spinach, chickpeas, red peppers, egg and mashed avocado to dress. Mid afternoon I had some almonds & cashew nuts. For dinner I had chicken breast with mixed veg stir fry cooked in @lucybeecoconut with Cajun and mixed spices followed by a square of 90% dark chocolate for dessert. Before bed I'll have another protein shake mixed with @totalGreek yoghurt. Drink wise I've had 3litres of water and 2 green teas. I'm feeling pretty good! I struggled in training more then usual but its to be expected after 2wks off so I'm not beating myself up over it. Good progress is usually a slow process so as long as I'm consistent over the next few weeks I'll be back to where I want to be and ready for my USA PRO shoot next week :)


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



