レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 6月17日 19時31分

My meals for the day! I'm in desperate need of a cleanse after this crazy weekend and all my traveling back and forth. I had a really bad cold and my bachelorette weekend didn't give me much time to rest? So now it's detox time! I normally don't cleanse on just juice but I feel I need to clean out my system right now. Four days of juicing. YES!
This is Swiss chard, cucumber, lemon, celery, sweet potato, ginger and turmeric. I'm drinking two bottles for breakfast, two for lunch, two in the late afternoon and two for dinner. Day 1. Wanna join me? @detoxlife has all the good stuff! Remember to only juice organic produce and to drink a whole lot of water throughout the day. If it's your first time you can begin with just one day of juicing (or even half a day!) and go a little bigger next time. It's always good to let the body rest from digestion from time to time so it can focus on healing what needs to be healed. Much love!??????????? #juice #juicing #detox #cleanse #green #greenjuice #love #healty #healthy #raw #organic #life

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