タテ・マクレーのインスタグラム(tatemcrae) - 6月12日 04時22分

Hey Guys! My 2 friends @jaketribusdance and @christinaricucci have started a non-profit organization called 'Artists Giving Hope'! What they've started is all about spreading hope and kindness in this crazy dance world! So let's spread this in Calgary, too! We need 20 dancers to perform next Thursday at 7:00-8:30pm. If you would like to perform your solo at this event email myself @ twear2013@gmail.com. This is a great performing experience for a great cause! Come join me at the Nat Christie Centre Thursday! Hope to see you there!!! Thanks! XOXO, Tate❤️ @artistsgivinghope


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Kalani Hillikerのインスタグラム
Kalani Hillikerさんがフォロー
