アンディー・ビアーザックのインスタグラム(andyblack) - 5月20日 14時54分

A huge thank you to everyone who has checked out the video for my first song from my side project #andyBLACK I have seen so many positive responses and kind..thoughtful messages. It means the world to me. TDNTU as well as the other songs from this project have been so much fun to write and I can't wait to share more with you all. I anticipated that some people wouldn't "get it" and some people would be "worried" about my future etc. But to those of you who understand what I am trying to do and who also understand that this is in no way something that interferes with BVB I wanted to again say THANK YOU. You guys are so important to me and I love you with all my heart. Stay tuned for more info regarding #andyBLACK in the coming days and as always tons of updates about #BVB4 which is going so well. Side note for anyone concerned that BVB is changing our sound or "going soft" that's not accurate. In fact id say this new stuff is the heaviest stuff we've done in a long time and my favorite record we've ever made! Seeya soon! -AB


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



