ジェナ・マクドゥーガルのインスタグラム(hevenshe) - 5月7日 21時49分

Liver Detox Juice ? The liver is one of the body's busiest organs. It has the great responsibility of extracting nutrients & removing waste from the blood. Feeling fluey/sluggish & even emotionally imbalanced can be linked to an over worked and toxic liver. I know for me after drinking alcohol or eating grains & other processed foods my skin is the first sign that my liver needs a little flush. The symptoms of a toxic system can even extend to poor moods & restless sleeping. Consider some natural detoxing to reset yourself! This is the most effective combination of fruit & veg to get you started. Green apples, beetroot, celery, carrot & ginger ??? Enjoy!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



