DJアシュバのインスタグラム(ashba) - 4月28日 02時21分

Fun Fact: I'll never forget the day this Les Paul showed up to my warehouse from @GibsonGuitars My guitar tech came running in and handed it to me. I strummed a chord, sat there for a moment not saying a word. He looked at me with a concerned look in his eye and said, "what's wrong with it?" In which I replied, "can you get me the blow torch?" Very confused he cautiously hands me a blow torch as he watches me set the guitar up in a ball of flames. After putting the fire out I said, "Now it's Perfect!" To this day it is still one of my favorite Les Paul's that I own, and most likely always will be. I guess the moral of the story is, don't be afraid to be unique by breaking the mold of what others think is the right way. The road straight ahead has been traveled before by many others, you know where that road leads you, so don't be afraid to build your own road in life and leave another option for others to follow one day. Be different, be yourself, be happy. Much love~ DJA


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