ライアン・ダニエル・ドブソンのインスタグラム(ryanddobson) - 4月28日 01時56分

"We, Sojourners" -- Here's the piece I did for the #artofthegospelcontest - artists from around the world (various faiths and worldviews) were asked to create a work of art that depicts their understanding/experience of the word "gospel". Below is the artist statement that goes with the piece. If you like it, I'd appreciate your vote! Link in my profile. Inspired by Flannery O'Connor's short story THE RIVER and Hauerwas & Willimon's book RESIDENT ALIENS, "We, Sojourners" touches on the dangerous, subversive, revolutionary nature of the gospel. The Good News is not therapeutic or individually prosperous in nature. It is transforming on a universal level. We mistakenly tell the faith Story to children in hopes that it will make them good, moral people. When the Hound of Heaven may, instead, wrap them up in its jaws and carry them away into the risky, up-side-down Kingdom of God. “What people don’t realize is how much religion costs. They think faith is a big electric blanket, when of course it is the cross.” -- Flannery O'Connor


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