トム・デロングのインスタグラム(tomdelonge) - 4月21日 12時35分

I have written all the Angels albums largely by myself. I had soo much I wanted to say at the time... But soon even I was bored of myself... of my tricks, vices, and routine chord progressions. It's hard to quantify all that @ilanrubin has added to this Angels album.. He truly has written and contributed on every single inch.... EVERY part, of every song, on every instrument with me. I have never in my life encountered a better musician. It has been a challenge to adapt both of our styles to eachother, but holy shit when we figured it out a year ago (a year in to the 2 year journey) it was electrifying. This album is going to change things for us... Big time. #Halloween #AngelsAndAirwaves


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